Vila Delux
is located in a quiet location five minutes from the center of the city. Within the vicinity of the hotel is a supermarket, medical facilities, as well as recreational and sporting centers.
How to get to Negotin: Directions
Highway E 75 can be taken from Belgrade to Negotin crossing over Paracin and Zajecar (approximately 300 km). If crossing over Pozarevac and Majdenpek, the total travel distance is approximately 290 Km. Similarly, if traveling alongside the Danube, crossing Donji Milanovac, the distance is 250 km. If traveling over Knjazevac it is 150 km, from Kladovo it is 55 km, Zajecar 57 km, and from the nearest city in Bulgaria, Vidin, it is 55 Km. The distance from the nearest city in Romania, Turnu Severin is 80 Km.